Operation of the system near the shelves
Change/update productlocation data by barcode reader.
Customer shopping experience
Attractive shopping experience, dynamic and colorful technological atmosphere. Show prices closely to the product image.
Gathering Information for Big Data
• The efficiency of the planograms.• Tracking data for trade marketing. Employeeconduct and the amount of touches requiredon shelves and according to differentcategories and the time spent on shelf fillingor product transfer processes.• Feasibility study – effects of content oncustomers by simultaneously runningdifferent content in different branches andcomparing them, thus understanding whatinterests our customers, what […]
Update product locations subject to planogram
The repositioning of a product in the planogramis immediately reflected on the shelves.The employee is notified to move the productto the new location, a quick change of locationin case of going on an unplanned sale, when hisvisibility needs to be improved.• Possibility to transfer products without priorplanning.• Starting an unplanned sale that requires anattractive location.
Combining advertising content and messages
Integration of ads and messagesn Video content(targeted ads).Enables differential advertising based on eachbranch/time/shelf location/vendor.The texts provide information and messages thatlead to action; relay of informative messages;new product launches; focused special offers ofnew products; product advantages; all relevantinformation/made in Israel/nutritional values/environmental friendliness, etc., and, of course,special offer prices and club benefits.Profits fromthe sale of advertising spaces […]
On-Shelf Availability Alert
Algorax have created an automated inventorysolution that can addresses key retailerchallenges accurately: tracking hundreds of SKUson the shelf.The system alerts and reports the lack ofavailability of products from the shelf, next tothe product image and with more informationabout the missing products, in real time!! Basedon artificial intelligence, sends realtime updateson shortages of certain products, as […]
Price update
Quick and clear changes (prices are found oneach image) Shelf arrangements that preventinaccuracies on product price tags synchronizedwith the back office and cash register (regularand special offer prices) prevents overlapping andirrelevant price tags. This also creates a neat shelfappearance (all of the above are very commonoccurrences)enables the adaptation of tag sizesaccording to the number of […]
How does it work
Warehouse HQ DB synchronizes with the warehouse’s branches NO CHANGE to the wholesale current situation Step 1 The warehouse’s branch is securely & simplyconnected to the Smart Digital Product ManagementSystem (SPMDS) and reflects the product’s DB. Step 2 SPMDS is wirelessly connected to the digital shelves,and upon manager request updates products’ sales,prices, barcodes, location & […]
Dynamic planogram
Dynamic planogram/ management andoperational enforcement Automating the creation and auditingprocessesof planograms.Meetings are not required for planning andchanging planograms.Planograms are easily accessible andmeticulously controlled.Enables the formulation of a clear administrativehierarchy and a division of tasks that is easilyenforceable by means of system permissions.